Review: Jack the Ripper: The Mystery Solved

Harrison, Paul. London: Robert Hale, 1993. 197p, ill.


Date: Tue, 07 May 1996 19:23:35 -0700
From: Tommy Reynolds

I have found one book that was written by an English Police Officer that is very informative and disproves a lot of the theories. It is called, Jack The Ripper: The Mystery Solved by Paul Harrison.

I believe it to only be printed in Great Britain. I borrowed it from a friend of mine that actly knew the author. He worked with him on assignments while in the miltary and stationed in England. It has pictures of the crime scenes (not the actual scenes - only where they occurred). It also goes into each murder and pinpoints all the similarities and differences. He takes some of the supposed Ripper murders and shows you that the Ripper did not commit them. Great book. Dry in places, but hey, that is English literature for you huh?

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